Captain Mr Declan Smith's Prize

Captain Mr Declan Smith hosted Day 2 of his Prize day on Sunday last in excellent conditions and in the wonderful surroundings in Virginia Golf Club. Due to Covid-19 restrictions on gatherings the prize-giving was held on the grounds of the Golf Club with a dry evening rewarding the gathering for the event.

On the Golf Course the competition was stiff with a number of players in contention from Day 1, the previous Sunday. The afternoon saw the top 27 qualifiers head off into battle with the outcome the tightest in years. Michael Callaghan ended up top of the pile with, in his words, “a 40-year wait for his first “Major”” ended. Michael won on count-back from Victor Nesbitt in the closest contest in years.

A more popular winner would be hard to find and congratulations were extended by all and sundry to Michael on his victory. Of special note in this year’s event was the number of new members competing and contending, a very welcome sign and all very encouraging for the future of the Golf Club. President Mr Tom Hutchinson also presented his Prize Days’ prizes to the winners of his competition held in July.

Results Captain Mr Declan Smith’s Prize

Winner Michael Callaghan
2nd Victor Nesbitt
Gross Stephen Geary
3rd Eddie Moore
4th Ronan Lyttle
5th Eoin McDonald
6th Liam Brady
Cat 1 Ciaran Buggle
Cat 2 John Halloran
Cat 3 Tom Traynor
Day 1 winner Terry Smith
Day 2 Winner Stephen Kockett
Past Captain Pat Murphy
Senior Member Patrick Maguire
Junior Winner Kyle McGuinness
Junior Second Conor McEvoy
Committee Prize Peter Foran
Country Member Tim Spicer

Pictured is Captain Declan Smith with the winner Michael Callaghan.

Capt Prize 2020 Winner.png

President Mr Tom Hutchinson's Prize to Men and Ladies - Results

The full results from President Mr Tom Hutchinson’s Prize to Men are as follows:

1st Ciaran Buggle
2nd Eddie Moore
3rd Padraic O'Dwyer
Gross Conor McEvoy
Best 18 Holes Steven McCabe
Junior Winner Kyle McGuinness
Cat 1 (0 -12) Richard Kennedy
Cat 2 (13-17) Michael Keating
Cat 3 (18-21) Michael Callaghan
Cat 4 (22+) Niall Lynch
Past President Peter Callaghan
President’s Guest prize Pat Hayes

The results from President Mr Tom Hutchinson’s Prize to Ladies are as follows:
1st Linda Gill
2nd Catherine Flood
Gross Catherine Denning
3rd Eimear County

Prize giving Sunday 16th August

Please note both Captain Mr Declan Smith and President Mr Tom Hutchinson will be presenting their Prize days’ prizes on Sunday evening next, 6:30PM, approximately, at the Clubhouse. The recent Men’s Monthly Medals will also be presented on the evening.

The following are the prizes for Captain Mr Declan Smith’s competitions




Day 1 & Day 2 winners,
Categories 1,2,3 .
Committee and Past Captain.
Country Members, 1st and 2nd.
Junior 1st and 2nd.

1st: Regina O’Brien, 2nd: Mary Coyle, Gross: Catherine Denning, 3rd: Margaret Bowles, 4th: Maureen Donohoe, 9 hole: Fidelma Gibney

Visitor Bookings

We are happy to welcome visitors to Virginia Golf Club and bookings can be made via the clubv1 online booking facility.

There is no log-in requirement for visitors to book. Simply click on this link or go to and select the “Visitor Booking” option - this will appear on top left corner of the screen on computers/tablets or by clicking on the menu icon (box with 3 horizontal lines) on the top right of the screen on mobile phones. Feel free to give us a call if you have any problems - 085 1574601.

Society bookings are also welcome, please contact Pat on 087 3410703.


Men's August Medal results

The men’s August Medal was played on the weekend of 02nd/03rd August. With a large participation the contest ended up being decided on countback with Liam Brady showing evidence of his recent good form to edge the competition on count-back.
Medal Liam Brady Nett 59
Cat 1 Ciarán Buggle Nett 61
Cat 2 Derek Young Nett 59
Cat 3 Ronan Lyttle Nett 63

2s for Declan Smith, Philip Earley, Liam Brady, Peter Kermath, Peter Foran, Michael Keating, Hugh Fitzpatrick, Derek Young, Victor Nesbitt & Ciaran Buggle

Captain Mr Declan Smith's Prize to Men


Captain's Prize 2020


Our Captain, Mr Declan Smith's Prize will be played this year over the following two weekends, 8th, 9th August & the 15th, 16th August

Saturday 8th August & Sunday 9th August is open for booking right away .

It is important that those wishing to play, book their place as soon as possible to get your favourite time and playing partners organised. Mr Peter Kermath has undertaken to run a book on the players, so to get the best odds, it is important that you get your name down early so that Peter can run his slide rule over you to good effect!

There are a couple of Rules & Regulations to bear in mind;

1. Entrance Fee €25. Please place remittance in an envelope with your name and put it in the Green Fees Box in the Clubhouse.

2. PRIOR to PLAY, Sign in ONLINE using one of the Apps available & AFTERWARDS, upload your score as soon as possible.

3. Complete the Card fully & legibly, please.

4. Whatsapp a picture of your card to Arthur @ 086 8555 749 for verification purposes.

5. Only full members who are in the Club for more than 1 year are eligible to win 1st Prize.

After the 1st weekend, those not in the top 27, will have the opportunity to book their slot for the 2nd weekend either for all day Saturday or Sunday morning. The second weekend timesheet will be opened on Monday 10th August. Those who have played themselves into the top 27 will go out in 3 balls on Sunday afternoon.

The afternoon slots will be arranged with the leading players going out in the final 3 ball. If you play yourself into the final 27, but are unable to play on the final Sunday afternoon, you should be aware that you have excluded yourself from winning 1st Prize.

Enjoy the competition.


Competitions Committee

Update from Captain Declan re resumption of Men's Competitions

Due to the lessening of restrictions in regard to Coronavirus. We are now proceeding to Phase 3. In Phase 3, four balls are permitted at 10 minute intervals and Competitions are allowed.

Please follow public health guidance and observe all regulations around physical distancing and hand washing. There are hand sanitisers available for use at the club. If you are ill or have symptoms, stay at home. 

Ladies and Men’s competitions will resume on Thursdays and Sundays with competition slots available on Saturdays for both. Upcoming competitions will be posted on the website. There are new protocols which have to be observed in relation to holding competitions. Please read these carefully.

For all competitions, the following local rules will apply

  1. Flagsticks must remain in the hole, with the ball retrieving device attached.(Note, a ball must be partially or wholly beneath the surface of the green to be deemed holed. A ball rebounding off the flagstick, back on to the green, is not holed.)

  2. Bunkers: In a bunker, player may place the ball within 6 inches of where the ball lies, not nearer the hole. Players must smooth the sand with club or foot after taking shot. This “preferred lie” rule is acceptable for handicap purposes.

Men's Competitions

18 Hole competitions will commence on Saturday/Sunday 4th & 5th of July.  Fixtures will be put on the club website, men's section.

Pre book your slot on the online timesheet App . This will automatically book you into the competition however if you happen to play on Saturday and Sunday you may only enter the competition once. See below on how to ensure competition entry.

Bring the competition fee of €8 in your own envelope with name and date written and place money in the Green Fees Box. Your fees include automatic entry into a 2's competition on a designated hole each week in ordinary competition's.  

Please do not congregate in the clubhouse.

There is no sign in book and the computer will not be in operation.

Take your card and bring a supply of 3 home with you.

Fill out details on scorecard as usual. (name, date handicap etc) Please make sure your scores and details are marked in pen as it may be difficult to read pencil from a photo.

Players fill out their own score and record their marker’s score. Calculate your points.

After the round verbally agree score with marker and write marker’s name on card. Cross out marker’s score. Sign your card, Marker does not sign card.

One member of the playing group takes a photo of cards and sends them to Arthur Tormey, 086 - 8555749 Competition Secretary. Make sure to save the number to  your phone.

Score cards must be returned by 8.30 pm on the evening of competition.

As mentioned earlier you may only play once in the competition so you must only enter one card and it must be on the day of playing and before 8.30pm on that day.

Ideally if scores could be Whats App’d to Arthur when round is completed, this would be a  great help.

Do not put your card in card box. Your card is your responsibility and the committee will not be chasing up unreturned cards. I realise, these are big changes for everyone, committee included, it will take a bit of adjustment and we will monitor it and alter the system as necessary. So please bear with us. If you have any queries, or encounter difficulty submitting score cards you can contact Arthur.

Gentlemen I hope you enjoy the competitions and would encourage all of you to participate.

Thanks for your cooperation.
Declan Smith

Update from Captain Veronica re. Ladies Competitions commencing under Phase 3

Ladies, please see information from Captain Veronica below and take note of the competitions over the coming weeks as set out on the fixtures page. In particular, please note that Captain Veronica’s prize will be played on Saturday August 22nd.

Phase 3 commencing 29th June

Due to the lessening of restrictions in regard to Coronavirus. We are now proceeding to Phase 3. In Phase 3 four balls are permitted at 10  minute intervals. Competitions are allowed. Visitors can play.

Please follow public health guidance and observe all regulations around physical distancing and hand washing. There are hand sanitisers available for use at the club. If you are ill or have symptoms, stay at home.

Ladies and men’s competitions will resume on Thursdays and Sundays with competition slots available on Saturdays. Upcoming competitions will be posted on the website. There are new protocols which have to be observed in relation to holding competitions. Please read these carefully.

For all competitions, the following local rules will apply

  1. Flagsticks must remain in the hole, with the ball retrieving device attached.(Note, a ball must be partially or wholly beneath the surface of the green to be deemed holed. A ball rebounding off the flagstick, back on to the green, is not holed.)

  2. Bunkers: In a bunker, player may place the ball within 6 inches of where the ball lies, not nearer the hole. Players must smooth the sand with club or foot after taking shot. This “preferred lie” rule is acceptable for handicap purposes.

Ladies’ Competitions

18 and 9 hole competitions will commence on Thursday 2nd July.  Fixtures are set out on the fixtures page. There will no longer be draws, but the time sheet for Thursday has been adjusted to align as closely as possible with former draw times. Pre-book your slot on the online time sheet in 3 balls. Booking golf on Thursdays will be taken as entering the competition. Players playing 9 hole competition are encouraged to play together. If this is not possible, please join with 2 players playing 18 holes.

  • Bring the competition fee €6 (or as per fixture list), in your own envelope with name and date written and place in money box in the ladies’ locker room. Please do not congregate in the clubhouse.

  • There is no sign in book and the computer will not be in operation.

  • Take your card and bring a supply of 3 home with you.

  • Fill out details on score card as usual. (name, date handicap etc)

  • Players fill out their own score and record their marker’s score. Calculate your points.

  • After the round verbally agree score with marker and write marker’s name on card. Cross out marker’s score Sign your card. Marker does not sign card.

  • One member of playing group takes a photo of cards and send them to club mobile 085-1574601. The entire card (name, comp ,handicap, date, scores, marker’s name and player’s signature) must be included in the photo and be legible Make sure to save the number to  your phone.

  • Score cards must be returned by 8.30 p,m on evening of competition.

  • Do not put your card in card box. Your card is your responsibility and the committee will not be chasing up unreturned cards. Please have your card available should there be a query.

I realise, these are big changes for everyone, committee included, it will take a bit of adjustment, and we will monitor it, and alter the system as necessary. So please bear with us. If you have any queries, or encounter difficulty submitting score cards you can contact

  • Pauline Hutchinson     086 0843948

  • Veronica Donnellan    086 1656659

  • Regina O’Brien           087 1224473

  • Linda Gill                     086 3722895

Ladies I hope you enjoy the competitions and would encourage all of you to participate.

Veronica Donnellan

Timesheet changes for next week

Taking on board feedback from members we will trial some changes to the timesheet for next week. The tee times will change slightly with times in each block moving back by 30 minutes, eg 11am block will now start at 11.30am etc. (with the exception of the first block on Saturday mornings). In addition, to facilitate our beginner and juvenile golfers there will be some slots reserved for this cohort on Monday morning, Wednesday evening and Saturday afternoon. We would encourage our beginners and juveniles to play during these allocated times where possible.

Phase 2 - A message from Captains Declan and Veronica

Dear Members,

We are pleased to be able to proceed to Phase 2 and welcome back people who were precluded from playing prior to this.

Pre booking of tee times remains strictly mandatory for all golfers. Please check the timesheet (in the post above this one) to ensure your name is listed before travelling to the club.

In Phase 2:

  • Slots will remain at 14 minute intervals

  • Fourballs are permitted

  • Visitors are allowed if playing with a member, maximum 2 guests per fourball. The member must book in the visitor. Green fees should be brought in your own envelope, with date and visitors name clearly written on the envelope, and placed in the green fees box in the office. A green fee of €10 each for both guests will apply (normally €15 for second guest).

  • Please maintain social distancing while using the clubhouse.

To book a tee-time please call the golf club mobile between 7pm and 9pm to talk in person (085-1574601). If you call and leave a voicemail, or send a text/WhatsApp message, outside of these hours your request will be responded to while dealing with bookings between 7pm and 9pm each evening.

A number of members have suggested that players make a voluntary contribution of €1/€2 for a round of golf which can be dropped in the green fees box in the office. This would be of great benefit to the club and would help offset some of the losses sustained from having no competitions or green fees due to Covid-19 restrictions over the last few months.

Stay Safe and Happy Golfing,

Captains Declan and Veronica

PS: Don’t forget, please follow public health guidance and observe all regulations around physical distancing and hand washing etc.

Timesheet Booking procedure update

The timesheet is now open for bookings through to Bank Holiday Monday, June 1st.
Please note that the window for making calls re booking time-slots is 7pm to 9pm daily. The following day’s timesheet will be published nightly, after this window.

Please note, also, we will be restricting some time availability, only slightly, to allow our greenkeepers perform essential maintenance. Your understanding is greatly appreciated.

From Monday 25th the booking procedure is as follows:

  • Bookings will be taken via the golf club mobile number (085-1574601) between 7pm and 9pm

  • The names of all members wishing to play must be provided. If you leave a voicemail message with your request, please also leave your name and number - we will do our best to get back to you but if you don’t hear from us please try again.

  • Alternatively, you may send your request by text message to the golf club mobile (085-1574601) and you will receive a call or text response by 9pm to confirm your allotted tee time. Remember to include all players’ names and your preferred date/time.

  • Please book your tee time at least one day in advance.

Please note, as per GUI/ILGU Protocol, only paid-up members are permitted to play and only in the time slots allocated.

Thanks to all our members who have cooperated fully with all guidelines and have enjoyed the reopening of our facility. Special thanks to all the members who have volunteered as rangers to assist with the smooth running of the timesheet. If anyone wishes to volunteer to assist as a ranger, please contact the number above and submit your details.