Membership can be applied for by calling the number above, by filling out an online application, or by using the PDF form, using the links below:

Pay Subscription with Online Banking:

Contact VGC Treasurer Pat Murphy (087) 289 2863 or for information
It is imperative that your name is included as a reference on the payment in order for us to identify the source of the payment.

Subscriptions For 2025:

Year 1 membership €250 (plus Poll tax and Insurance)

Year 2 membership €310 (plus Poll tax and Insurance)

Full Member(Year 3): €395 (plus Poll tax & Insurance)

5 year full membership €1,625 (Plus Poll Tax and Insurance each year)

Country Member: €220 (Poll tax & insurance payable at player’s Home Club)
(Member must have membership in another Golf Ireland Club)

Distance Member: €220 (plus Poll tax & Insurance)

(Member must be resident >50km from Virginia Golf Club)

Senior Member: €280(plus Poll tax & Insurance)

Qualification for Senior rates as per Constitution of Virginia Golf Club, player must have reached 65th birthday on or before 01st January of the relevant year and must have 10 year’s continuous membership up to that date)

Junior/Student Member: €70 (Plus Poll Tax and Insurance if player wants official handicap)

(Junior members are young persons aged of 15 to 18 years inclusive at the date of their election. Student Applicants must provide evidence of full-time education course)

Juvenile Member: €40

(Juvenile Members are young persons aged 8 to 14 years inclusive at the date of their election. )

Poll Tax & Insurance: (payable in addition to the subscription, above)

Poll Tax (GI): Under 18 years old = €7.50, over 18 = €30
Golfer's Insurance: €27

Subscription Payment Methods:

Payment in full or pay by Standing Order over 6 months (Jan-Jun). 
First Standing Order payment to include poll tax and insurance.

For any technical queries re the CLUBNET App, or using the online booking or competitions entry systems, please call John Kelly on (086) 848 8251