Virginia Golf Club Management Structure

Virginia Golf Club has a new Management structure in place since 1st November 2021. This comprises of three committees - Management, Men’s, and Ladies’.

The Management Committee is responsible for the day to day running of the club. This includes course management and development, managing the membership renewals, the maintenance of the clubhouse, applying for grants, funding and any other day to day issues that may arise. This new structure takes a lot of pressure off our Captains allowing them more time to enjoy their year in office. Their main responsibility now will be the organisation of all competitions and golfing matters in their respective section.

The 2025 Management Committee is as follows
President: Tom Lynch
Chairperson: Seamus Sheridan
Hon Secretary: Pat (Patrick) Murphy
Treasurer: Pat Murphy
Committee members:
Captain (Men’s): Eddie Moore
Captain (Ladies’): Mairead Denning
Vice Captain: Eoin McDonald
Linda Gill
Paul Bates

Peadar Gill
Angela O’Dwyer

The Men’s Committee for 2025 is as follows;
Captain: Eddie Moore
Vice Captain: Eoin McDonald
Hon Secretary: Niall Lynch
Hon Treasurer: Eamonn Owens
Competition Secretary: Niall Hickey
Handicap Secretary: Anthony O’Grady

Committee members:

John Kelly
Padraic O’Dwyer
Martin McGovern

Liam Murphy

Joe Graydon
ex-Officio: Paul Bates

The 2025 Ladies Committee is as follows

Captain: Mairead Denning

Hon Secretary: Ita Taite

Competition Secretary: Caitriona Keoghan

Treasurer: Maria O’Donoghue

Handicap Secretary: Sue Reilly

Committee members:

Sonya Nevin

Miriam Gilsenan Keogan

Rita Traynor

Mary Culliton

Margo Keating

Ex-Officio Mary Coyle